
Robo Sumo 500 gram RC category challenged young innovators aged 7 to 17 years old to build, program and control a reliable and robust robot integrated with sustainable features which is capable of pushing its opponent out of the ring. The robot that remains inside the ring will be declared the Robo Sumo champion.

  • Subcategory: Robo Sumo 500 g RC
  • Age: 7 - 17 years old
  • Team composition:
    - maximum of 2 participants per team + 1 Guardian


Robo Sumo 3 kg category challenged innovators aged 10 years old and above to build and program a resilient autonomous robot integrated with sustainable features which are capable of propelling its opponent out of the ring. The robot that remains inside the ring will be declared the Robo Sumo champion.

  • Subcategory: Robo Sumo 3KG
  • Age: 10 years and above
  • Team composition:
    - maximum of 2 participants per team
    note: In the event that the team consists of participants below 18 years of age, the team must be accompanied by a guardian (teacher/parent).

    Stand a chance to represent Malaysia at the All Japan Robot-Sumo Tournament 2024


A time-based challenge where teams compete to complete the course in the fastest time possible. Teams aged 10 years old and above are challenged to program a robot that can move on a line track (black on white) and pass through all obstacles. The robot which finishes the race in the fastest time will be declared the winner.

  • Subcategory: Speed Rivals
  • Age: 10 years old and above
  • Team composition:
    - maximum of 2 participants per team
    note: In the event that the team consists of participants below 18 years of age, the team must be accompanied by a guardian (teacher/parent).



The Innovation category aligns in continues support to global commitment to reduce its carbon footprint through its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) towards net zero carbon emissions (NZCE). As a wide range of technologies and approaches are required to reduce emissions, while investments and deployment of carbon-reduction technologies need to be intensified, innovators aged 10 years old and above are challenged to build a prototype, showcase and pitch their ideas and creations to respective judges during the Grand Finals.

  • Age: 10 and above
  • Team composition:
    - maximum of 4 including a Mentor (Teacher/Guardian)


Sample Pitching Videos

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Nor Edayu Othman
Muhamad Faisal Mat Isa
Nor Hamizah Rosnan
Raja Damia Asilah Raja Auria

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